Press releases

First Grand Gin Rummy Tournament has started!

| published under Press releases

New Update for popular multiplayer card game integrates first worldwide competition

GameDuell richtet größtes Skat-Turnier der Welt aus (German only)

| by Axel | published under Press releases

Skat ist bei Weitem das beliebteste Kartenspiel der Deutschen. Rund eine Million Aktive reizen und stechen laut dem Deutschen Skatverband DSkV e.V. regelmäßig am Kartentisch. Am Wochenende des 30. und 31. Juli 2016 messen sich die Besten von ihnen bei den Finalrunden der Skat und Rommé Masters in Berlin.

Grand Gin Rummy available now on Facebook

| by Axel | published under Press releases

Popular multiplayer card game now playable on three platforms with full cross-platform functionality

GameDuell focusing on its core business of multiplayer card and board games

| by Axel | published under Press releases

Building on the strength as one of the largest cross-platform games communities in the world and following the recent successes of its and Grand Gin Rummy card games, GameDuell will focus on its core business of community card and board games.

Grand Gin Rummy opens its doors to a 5-star experience

| by Axel | published under Press releases

GameDuell has launched the first premium synchronous multiplayer Gin Rummy game created by its international games veterans team – featured on the App Store all over the world as one of the best new games

Weltgrößtes Skat-Turnier feiert zehnjähriges Jubiläum (German only)

| published under Press releases

230 Teilnehmer spielen am Wochenende des 25./26. Juli die Finalrunde der Skat- und Rommé-Masters aus

Games Icon Howard Phillips joins GameDuell

| published under Press releases

“Game of the Year Award” winning industry veteran will lead game design at the Berlin-based social mobile games developer

GameDuell welcomes new Head of Live Game Operations

| published under Press releases

International games expert Erik t' Sas joins Berlin-based studio