Diversity is strength!

| by Alina | published under GameDuell

"What is your personal definition of diversity?" - Last year on Diversity Day 2020, we asked our team members this question and received many different, unique, and wonderful answers. It showed us that even the definition of the term diversity and the connection that people have with it is so diverse in itself that this question cannot be answered easily.

This is why we would like to dig a little bit deeper this year and find more answers to this question.

Unfortunately, we are not always aware of our biases against even the smallest differences because we try to be the best version of ourselves. But we still have unconscious biases which are often impacted by where and how we were raised, and where we live now. This shows us again that diversity includes every single one of us even though it is not always obvious for everyone. People, looks, and personalities have a lot of different layers or dimensions and even the smallest one can differ in many ways. In other words, there are many different dimensions of diversity.

For this year's Diversity Day we had an entire diversity week. We gave our team members insight into the seven dimensions of diversity and asked their opinion about one of them which was chosen at random. We wanted to know how our company culture considers this dimension in their mind and hear any suggestions for improvement they may have. Afterwards, we shared some of the answers anonymously on our social media channel on Instagram and LinkedIn. Additionally, during this time we created and offered a safe space to ask questions and receive honest answers from firsthand experiences.

The seven dimensions of diversity:

Statistics show that “social background” continues to have a strong influence on educational and labor market opportunities. Often, people do not have access to resources such as networks, assets, education, or social power because of their social class. As a result, many workers do not obtain jobs that are appropriate for their talents and abilities.

Many organizations consider their employees’ sexual orientation and identity a private matter. But whether it’s small talk at the coffee machine or at company parties, the standard idea of a heterosexual partnership is usually simply assumed.

Our goal should be to create an open working environment without bias or prejudice. That way, everyone can make use of their talents and expertise.

People with very different religions and beliefs work in organizations. Whether a person is Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, or Atheist – their faith and beleifs should be respected. Because our living and working environments are becoming more diverse, this dimension has been gaining significance for several years.

The dimension "age" plays a major role for organizations because of demographic change. In mixed-age teams, different values, attitudes, and experience levels come together. This can be challenging and demanding. But it can also be rewarding.

Our team profits when we hire people of international origin and with differing cultural backgrounds. It allows us to bring together more varied mindsets based on different upbringings and cultural backgrounds, to tap into new markets, and benefit from global competition. With supportive structures, we ensure that all team members in our organization feel comfortable and can achieve their full potential.

Diversity management can help individuals bring their physical or mental abilities and potential to the fore and to adapt work processes. A trusting, appreciative culture means that no one has to hide a disability.

In general, gender still often determines the distribution of resources, tasks, or responsibilities in an organization - sometimes more than competence or expertise. Gender identities are very diverse with male, female, trans* and inter* people. If one gender is significantly underrepresented, the corresponding team members are often unconsciously excluded or not taken into account and this is referred to as a glass ceiling.

Of course developing diversity competence is not a short-term venture, but we can get started today by making a commitment, creating an inclusive environment, and shaping diversity into strengths together.