Looking back on our donations in 2021

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GameDuell in the news

| by Alina | published under Charity

We can all look back on an eventful and also challenging year. The Corona pandemic affected many areas of our lives and made daily life, social networks, and being recognized harder for many people, communities, and organizations. That’s why we had again been looking for fantastic charity organizations that we can support that year. Here are the ones that we donated to at the end of last year.


Hand zu Hand e.V.

One of our donations went to Hand zu Hand e.V. on the occasion of the International Day of Sign Language 2021 on September 23, to support their upcoming game events like “Spielen für Toleranz” (Playing for Tolerance).

The non-profit organization Hand zu Hand e.V. offers free and sign language psychosocial counseling and therapy for deaf and hearing-impaired people in crisis. Affected people can approach the association on various topics. Also, counseling work for families, e.g., for Children of deaf adults (CODA), or deaf children of hearing parents is of high importance. Furthermore, a psychosocial counseling service for deaf refugees has been established. In addition to the counseling core business, Hand zu Hand e.V. is also very active in educating, holding workshops and providing information. They also conduct several game events, where people can get access to the community, make new contacts, and find friends for life.

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Seitenwechsel Sportverein für FrauenLesbenTrans*Inter* und Mädchen e.V.

As a gaming company we embrace our competitive spirit and that's why we created a walking and running challenge in October. The goal was to cover as many steps as possible by walking or running, to integrate more exercise into our daily life and ultimately have fun! We formed two teams to compete against each other, but everyone still had to work together to unlock the donation amount. The more steps, the more we donated. The winning team chose the organization that we donated to and on top of that, they received a team lunch. We decided to donate to:

SeitenwechselSeitenwechsel was founded in 1988 as a sports club for WomenLesbiansTrans*Inter* and girls. Seitenwechsel aims to help its members gain varied athletic experience, and wants the participation and self-determination of WomenLesbiansTrans*Inter* and girls in sport and elsewhere.

"Make-a-Wish" Christmas present

Like every year, we offer our team to make a charitable donation instead of receiving Christmas presents. We call this “Make-a-Wish” and our team members can choose to either donate to an organization or receive a voucher for a local and sustainable shop. The collected donations went to the following initiatives:

OneEarthOneOcean“Marine littering”, i.e. the pollution of the world’s oceans, rivers and lakes, endangers the organisms living in them. One Earth – One Ocean has set itself a big goal: a “Maritime garbage collection”. The aim is to clean the world’s seas and inland waters from plastic waste. They have specially developed garbage collecting catamaran vessels in operation, they organize regular clean-ups at various locations around the world, they collect abandoned fishing nets in the Baltic sea, and they provide education projects to local communities.
KinderherzenThe association Kinderherzen is dedicated to helping children, adolescents and adults with congenital heart disease. They are active in significantly improving treatment options for those affected worldwide by conducting research and developing the latest cardiac medical standards, providing therapeutic measures, and equipping paediatric heart centers with modern and gentle technology.
SeaShepherdSince 1977, a variety of ships, as part of the Sea Shepherd fleet, have helped defend marine life. Sea Shepherd ships continue to patrol the world’s oceans, conduct research, and intervene directly to enforce international conservation laws and defend, protect, and conserve the remaining biodiversity in our oceans.

Friends4Future e.V.

For the Christmas and fourth quarterly donation in 2021, the Green Team decided that we will support Friends4Future.

Looking back on our donations in 2021

The organization was founded in order to take more responsibility for saving our planet and to have a positive impact on all levels of society and in all organizational models. The protests of Fridays-for-Future have touched the founding members of Friends4Future humanely and moved them emotionally. Therefore, Friends4Future e.V. developed a social board game that is playable across generations. It works as a tool where people help each other to become solution-oriented and gain awareness for climate change.

We definitely wanted to support their “Project Future”. You too?

Photo 1 & 3: © Friends4Future e. V.
Photo 2: © Hand zu Hand e.V.
The use of the photos and logos (Copyright ©) is made with kind permission from the respective organizations