Germany’s Youngest Game Developer: „Software is boring. I prefer to make games.”

| published under Press releases

For the past week, a young man has sat in the offices of GameDuell, Germany’s largest game site. His name is Fabian. He is just 14 years old and has already earned the respect of the GameDuell development team.

He showed us his version of Crazy Chicken programmed within a few weeks during Berlin’s cold winter. Fabian replaced the main characters with UFOs which he finds much cooler than chickens. He lets them soar through space on a mouse and keyboard controlled flight.

Although Fabian is proud of his little game, he does not seem completely satisfied with it.

“I only programmed this to reinforce my knowledge of the commands and to learn a new method. I would much rather work directly as a developer already, expand my knowledge, and invent brilliant games.” He has, of course, no intention of leaving school just yet because he knows, “to do this, I need to graduate high school first.”

Success in programming does not, as many suspect, require complete sacrifice and Fabian does not want to deny himself a carefree youth. He has many friends, plays soccer and is currently avidly following Germany’s progress in the European championship. He also likes music. Due to time constraints he only plays a single instrument right now, but he is still young and has time to add a few more later on.

Read the full story here