GameDuell donates more than $12,000 to Amandla Edufootball

| by Jonas | published under Charity

Teaming up for a brighter future: Working together, participants in GameDuell’s Safari Bonus played hard and collected an impressive 10,127 EUR (that’s nearly $13,000). The proceeds are being donated to AMANDLA Edufootball, a child-care organization in South Africa that is funded exclusively by donations like this one.

“Give Strength to Youth – Educate through Sport” is AMANDLA’s motto. Although South Africa is a country teeming with soccer enthusiasts, many children still don’t have the opportunity to participate in sports. For those who live in poverty-stricken areas or are separated from their families in orphanages, surrounded by drugs and violence, the future often seems bleak.

AMANDLA supports children like these with their Soccer Leagues Program. In this program, soccer is used to teach values such as equality, tolerance, fair play and teamwork. In doing so, children gain confidence and learn to take responsibility for themselves and others.
In addition, AMANDLA offers programs that prevent violence and help teach fundamental knowledge like reading and writing. With these skills, the children are capable of attending school and later have better chances at getting jobs.

AMANDLA is backed by Willi Lemke, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advisor on Sport for Development and Peace.