We are happy to enable digital participation for elderly people and increase their competencies and enthusiasm for technology. That’s why we repeatedly support the Senioren Computer Club Berlin (SCC Berlin Mitte) with our donation. Our proceeds help to fund new equipment for the club.
According to a study of the University of Bremen, around 20 million older people are being left behind when it comes to digitization. According to the authors, the problem is not so much that seniors generally refuse to use the Internet, rather, there is a lack of accessibility and opportunity for this target group.
The Senioren Computer Club Berlin-Mitte brings together elderly people and makes it easier for them to access digital media, and to develop and strengthen their media skills.
They help them learn how to use computers, tablets and smartphones. Advanced users can familiarize themselves with special applications such as photo and video editing software.
Club members meet regularly in interest groups to improve their knowledge and skills, and to exchange ideas with each other.
The club is open to anyone who enjoys learning or sharing knowledge.
Further information can be found on their website.
Photo: © SeniorenComputerClub Berlin-Mitte
The use of the photo (Copyright ©) is made with kind permission from SeniorenComputerClub Berlin-Mitte
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