Donation to LegaKids

| by Mathias | published under Charity

Part of the GameDuell mission is providing a fun, enjoyable experience to all, and as such, we consider charitable action to be part of our broader mission.

With that in mind, we are excited to contribute once more to the wonderful cause of LegaKids.

Launched in 2004, LegaKids is a free online project which offers a wide range of educational games, videos, and apps to help kids and teens with LRS (reading and spelling difficulties), dyslexia, reading weaknesses, and arithmetic difficulties, and at the same time offers up-to-date information and news for parents, teachers, and therapists.

Our donation will support the development of an online reading project in two different reading levels, which is called “I am Lurs! My life - an adventure”.

"I am Lurs" includes humorous texts as well as beautiful illustrations and comics. Several reading quizzes are used to practice reading comprehension. Mini-games, puzzles and hidden object pictures provide additional motivation. The read-aloud function encourages imagination on the one hand, and paired reading on the other. Beginner readers can have the texts displayed in colored syllables to support word division.

The idea behind their mascot monster named “LURS” (from LRS (=Dyslexia)) is that Lurs wants to take away the children’s ability to read and write. The children watch its adventures during their training and improve along the way.

Dyslexia or reading and spelling disorder is one of the most common partial performance disorders in childhood and adolescence. Currently, one in six children have great or very great difficulty in reading and writing. This means that there are around 3.5 million dyslexics in Germany alone.

It is important to know that it is not the case that affected children don’t want to read or aren’t intelligent enough, but reading and spelling difficulties are a result of different talents: some children have difficulties with letters, just as other children are not very sporty or musically gifted.

Herzlichen Dank an GameDuell für die großzügige Spende, die unserem Projekt „Ich bin Lurs! Mein Leben – ein Abenteuer“ zugute kommt. Dieses feine Projekt zur Leseförderung wird vielen tausend Kindern Freude am Lesen ermöglichen!

[English translation: Many thanks to GameDuell for their generous donation, which will benefit our project "I am Lurs! My Life - An Adventure." This very nice reading improvement project will bring the joy of reading to many thousands of children!]

Dr. Britta Büchner, Director of the LegaKids Foundation

GameDuell feels proud to support LegaKids and we wish the organization much success for their upcoming projects, as well as all interested children a joyful learning experience!

Further information can be found on their website.

Illustrations: © LegaKids® Stiftungs-GmbH and Jakob Weyde
Photo of Dr. Britta Büchner; LegaKids Logo: © LegaKids® Stiftungs-GmbH
The use of the illustrations, photos, and logos (Copyright ©) is made with kind permission from the respective organization.