
News about the GameDuell TechTalk, the speakers and technology

GameDuell TechTalk with Greg Luck

| by Axel | published under TechTalk

On 11 February 2016 the Hazelcast CEO will speak about the standardized Java caching layer API JCache.

GameDuell TechTalk: Nicolas Cannasse Introducing Haxe

| by Axel Schmidt | published under TechTalk

On September 10th 2014 Nicolas Cannasse introduced the developers community of Berlin to the cross-platform toolkit Haxe.

TechTalk with Ed Burns a huge success

| by Jade | published under TechTalk

As previously announced, the most recent GameDuell TechTalk featured Ed Burns, Consulting Member of the Technical Staff at Oracle America, Inc.

GameDuell TechTalk with JSF Specification Lead Ed Burns

| by Axel | published under TechTalk

GameDuell invites the Berlin tech community to the next edition of its regular TechTalk event series. On November 18th JSF Specification Lead Ed Burns of Oracle will give an exclusive evening lecture about the new JavaServer Faces 2.2 specifications.

Video + Photos: Autonomous Navigation of Quadrocopters with Jakob Engel

| by Jonas | published under TechTalk

As previously announced the latest GameDuell TechTalk Explore featured Jakob Engel who is doing research about methods for the visual navigation of unmanned air vehicles at the Computer Vision chair of the Technical University Munich.

Video: GameDuell TechTalk with Jeanfrancois Arcand, creater of the Atmosphere Framework

| by Jonas | published under TechTalk

The recent GameDuell Tech Talk featured Jeanfrancois Arcand. He is is a visionary and pioneer specialized in the development of modern, asynchronous web frameworks for client-server communication. If you missed his presentation about the Atmosphere Framework, check out the video.