Behind the Scenes: Office Team

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GameDuell in the news

| by Alina | published under GameDuell

The first people to greet us when we enter our GameDuell office and the last ones we wave goodbye to at the end of the day are the lovely ladies on our office team. They’ve certainly acquired some superpowers in order to master our daily office trouble. However, we only see a small fraction of their support for us every day. So let's take a look behind the scenes to see what we would be missing without them.

Behind the Scenes: Office Team

Hi team, can you tell us a bit about who you are?

We are the three office ladies who love helping and supporting our amazing team members and making sure office life is running as smoothly as possible.

Behind the Scenes: Office TeamTina

The head of our office management and also assistant to the management board. But most importantly, a total cake lover because “CAKE ALWAYS WORKS!”
Behind the Scenes: Office TeamMel

On one hand a `learning by doing` mechanic at restoring her van “Eddie” herself. On the other hand, a planning genius, who is taking care of six calendars and initiates even more events or surprises to make every team member happy.
Behind the Scenes: Office TeamAga

Not only an office manager multitalent, but also a social media research expert and analyst for GameDuell’s company social media, fitness freak, and a pizza baking queen.

What does your workday look like?

Something broken? Something missing? Delivery arrived? Need life advice? We are on it!

Our team can't really plan a single day, let alone summarize our daily tasks. There are always surprises waiting for us along the way which we have to handle flexibly and usually simultaneously as well. But we are not always hurrying from task to task and from meeting to meeting. It is really important to always take some time out of the day to chat with our team members, to get to know them and over time, we don’t even have to ask how we can help, we just know!

At the beginning of the pandemic it wasn't really obvious to us how, but we found a way to be there for our team members while still being able to work from home. We created our weekly “Office Ladies Open Office” meeting where team members are encouraged to come online and ask whatever questions popped into their minds that week.

What do you especially like about your work?

The little problems we find every day waiting to be fixed. No one day is like the other and we never get bored.
But the absolute best thing about our work is that every day we can make someone on our team smile by helping them.

Do you have a favorite workplace story?

Do you remember Taubi, the little pigeon we found injured on our rooftop terrace with the People & Culture Team? Long story short, we found her with an injury and a band around her leg that said Taubi was a carrier pigeon from Poland. But her owner was already back in Poland with no intention of coming back. So we had to save our little friend by finding a proper place to stay in Germany. Read the full story here.

We fell in love with team spirit at GameDuell events... you can really feel what a great team we are!